Saanich Region
Looking for something? Not sure how to find it? Peruse our FAQs below or get in touch with us - we are here to help!
Why, yes, it can! Because all ElderConnected community portals use the same look, language and wayfinding, you can find information in all other ElderConnected communities because the categories are the same, the navigation is the same, and the contact information is organized in the same manner.
It is very easy for your relatives and friends to use ElderConnect - just send them the link "elderconnect.ca", they will type it into their browser and they can choose the community they're looking for from the map! Coming soon - the ElderConnect app!
Absolutely not! We want to bring you information and news that is useful and relevant - we will never charge you to find what you are looking for!
Your community’s ElderConnect sponsor organization can help. In most communities, it is your local volunteer centre. Access is also available on any computer, tablet or smart phone. Most communities have libraries or other public facilities where people can access the internet for free.
We are all volunteers, but we know how important this is to you - we will try our very best to get back to you within 48 hours.
Join the ElderConnect Movement!
Contact your community’s ElderConnect sponsor organization to become an ElderConnect Wayfinder Volunteer. In most communities, it is your local volunteer centre. To learn more, please get in touch with us.